Friday, May 4, 2007

Metro Fashion Blog...

Bows & Arrows: The Rants and Rave of Twin Cities Fashion
by Stephanie Davila

I’ve always been full of opinions—ever since I can remember. I’m consistently observing and taking mental notes everywhere I am. It is physically impossible for me to go anywhere (movie, restaurant, boutique, you name it) and not have a zillion comments to make afterwards. It’s actually kind of a curse. But truth be told, that’s how I fell into journalism; I wanted to make a career out of sharing my thoughts.
This blog is the perfect chance for me to remark on all the great (and not so great) things I witness both as the fashion editor of METRO and as a fastidious onlooker. Since the magazine’s launch in September 2006, I have gone to a handful of events that I wanted to cover, only to realize it would be old news by the time the next issue hit newsstands. But now, I am fully armed and dangerously able to spew all the observations I’ve been dying to share.

With that said, here (to the left) are some stunning photos from the Voltage event last month, which were shot by Eliesa Johnson, lead photographer for Photogen Inc. If you didn’t attend the fashion show, you totally missed out. First Avenue’s Main Room was full of creative energy and zero attitude (rare, I know). If you went and couldn’t feel the energy in the room, I suggest you check your pulse.

One more thing: I would love to post test shots from local fashion photographers on Bows & Arrows. Some of you have passed along cool test pics that would be fun to share with our readers. Email me at and I will try to get them up on the site. Until then, don’t stop the rock.