Friday, April 4, 2008

A little confession...

Ok blog readers - it's time for me to come clean and tell you about my guilty pleasure...I am a true American Idol fan! I love the show - every season I'm there, this one being no exception! The last 2 weeks, there have been 2 performances that I have absolutely loved! Are these two contestants good enough to take the win? I'm not sure how America will vote, but I HEART these two...

First up is David Cook with an AWESOME version of Billie Jean (which is also on of my all time favorite songs!)

Second up is Jason Castro. Ok. As long as I'm laying it all out there - I also think he could be one of the most gorgeous people EVER! (note: probably along with every other tween in America...I know...) And he has the 'John Mayer Complex' when he performs. Anyone who has seen John Mayer live will understand...




  1. We... I mean Peggy, watches American Idol religiously also, and Jason always remind us of:
